Sunday, August 23, 2009

Go Go City of Heroes Rangers!

Crystal and I made this wonderful discovery at the local Founder's Day event at the park this weekend. One of the vendors there had a booth of cheap plastic toys, but this was a rare prize indeed!

There were a few other toys, most of them obvious Power Rangers knock-offs, but this was the only set there stepping on multiple toes. First is the "City of Heroes" title on the backing card. For those of you who don't know CoH is an MMO that has been around for over five years now. Seeing it used in such a way was a real surprise!

Then there's this guy:

That's obviously Spiderman or maybe Venom, but the little red guy looks like an obvious attempt to actually recreate the cheap plastic toys in the package itself. And speaking of the toys.....

they insist that I try them, unfortunately pushing the little bit on the back of the packaging does little or nothing. And what the hell is "Hero Country Zone"? It sounds like the Super Sentai equivalent of Bed Bath and Beyond.

I don't know what to say about this bit, except that I'm trying to stay at least PG here:

The back of the card is the same characters recreated in B&W. That is the angriest, weirdest Batman I've ever seen.

You can sort of see the cutouts on the back for the 'try me' feature, I decided after a little more investigation that there is actually a light on their chests that should light up, but doesn't seem to, I'm assuming dead batteries and imagining that the toys were 50% more awesome with tiny leds in their chests!


Not planning on letting these bad boys out of the box, considering the box was the entire reason for the purchase. Unlike the Kamen Rider knock-offs, who actually looked like Kamen Rider. Wish I could find the box for these guys though, as it was rife with copyright violations as well.

That's pretty much all for now. I plan a trip to the same little store the Kamens came from this week to pick up some more of the oddities they had there. Little plastic Japanese cell phones with Looney Tunes and Pokemon on them at the same time! Also a pack of 'Ultraman' figures that were horribly made. Oh, and speaking of Ultraman, anyone know who this is supposed to be?

I've had him for a while, and all I can confirm is that he was part of the Ultraman series and was made by Bandai. If anyone has any guesses lemme know.



  1. I feel that the most important feature is the Handsome Appearance.

  2. It does rank higher than "Super Power" for some reason. :)
