Thundarr was one of my favorite shows of all times. I even recall that Janus(?) was the only villain to appear on more than one episode. I think this was more of an attempt to cash in on Conan the Barbarian and Beastmaster type movies more than He-Man. I also think this was before the end of the restriction on cartoons having related merchandise.
So, no toys...maybe a lunch box, those were still common even before He-man.
He-man was the first cartoon to cash-in on the allowed toy tie-ins in the '80s. The toys pre-existed the cartoon by a bit. If you ever owned any of the first few (Battlecat was my first) the little comic inside told a completely different story from what was the Saturday morning cartoon. The DC mini-series developed the cartoon plot a lot.
Here's another trip down memory lane! I had a few of these figures, the 'good guys' came with a little Trobbit figure (troll+hobbit?) and the bad guys came with a little gremlin looking guy. I even had the dragon that Blackstar used, probably the best toy in the series. Blackstar was one of the more obvious He-man rip-offs, mainly for the two-halves of a power sword plot in there.
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